General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
§1 Scope
The terms and conditions apply to contracts in oral and written form as well as by e-mail for the purpose of renting and letting guest rooms or beds of the hostel for accommodation by the management, as well as for the further services of the hostel in connection therewith.
General terms and conditions of the Guest shall not apply. Other agreements are only valid if they are expressly confirmed in writing by the Hostel.
The Hostel reserves the right to exercise its domiciliary rights without restriction and at any time in the event of intentional or grossly negligent infringement of the house rules by the Guest.
§2 Conclusion of Contract
The contract is concluded by verbal or written confirmation by the Hostel to the Guest. The guest is prohibited from subletting or leaving the guest rooms and beds to third parties.
§3 Prices and payment obligations
The guest pays immediately upon check-in in cash, by credit or EC card.
The agreed prices include the current legal value added tax. If there is a period of more than three months between the time of booking and the guest’s date of arrival, the hostel may increase the price agreed upon in advance by contract – should the generally valid prices of the hostel have changed during this period.
Changes in reservations of any kind (changes in the number of beds, rooms, and length of stay of the guests or other essential services of the hostel) entitle the hostel to charge contractually deviating prices.
The hostel is entitled to demand a reasonable advance payment at any time, but max. 50% or security (e.g. valid credit card number). The transfer of the outstanding invoice amount of the advance payment is to be transferred to the business account within 7 days from departure.
Invoices of the hostel are payable without deduction after receipt of the invoice. In the event of late payment, the Hostel is entitled to charge interest at a rate of 4 percent above the respective discount rate of the European Central Bank. The guest reserves the right to prove a lower, the hostel a higher damage.
The Guest may only set off undisputed and legally established claims against claims of the Hostel.
§4 Renting the rooms, or guest beds and leaving the rented premises and beds.
Check-in time is – unless otherwise agreed in advance – between 4 and 8 pm. Check-out time is no later than 11 am on the agreed departure day. After that time, the hostel may charge 50% of the full accommodation price (list prices) for additional use of the room/bed until 2 pm, and 100% after 2 pm.
In case of gross soiling of the rooms/beds, an additional cleaning fee will be charged.
Upon conclusion of the contract, the guest is entitled to the number of beds rented by him at the applicable price, but not to the provision of certain beds in certain rooms.
Booked beds or rooms are available to the guest from 4 pm on the agreed day of arrival. Unless a later arrival time has been expressly agreed, the hostel may assign booked beds and rooms to other guests after 7 p.m. without the guest being able to derive any claims for compensation from this.
§5 Renting of groups
In case of culpably or negligently caused damage to inventory, if the causer of the damage cannot be determined, the group will be held jointly and severally liable. In case of gross soiling of the rooms and beds, an additional cleaning fee will be charged.
§6 Withdrawal by the guest (cancellation, non-arrival)
Cancellations and change requests must be made by mail or in writing.
A fee will be charged for the cancellation. For groups (3 persons or more), the cancellation fee is 25% of the total amount within 21 days before arrival, 50% of the total amount within 14 days before arrival and 100% of the total amount within 7 days before arrival.
The deadline for cancellation or change for individual travelers corresponds to the agreed length of stay (in days before arrival), but at least 48 hours before arrival. If a room or bed that has already been ordered is cancelled during this period, the guest or a third party, if he/she has ordered the room, is liable to the full extent of the agreed services.
The guest reserves the right to prove a lower, the hostel a higher damage.
Services provided by third parties or special services that become useless as a result of the cancellation must be paid for at 100% in any case.
The guest’s payment obligation regarding a cancellation does not arise if the guest’s cancellation is due to a reason for which the hostel is responsible.
Costs, such as visa, service charge levied by booking platforms, telephone and processing costs cannot be reimbursed in the event of a cancellation of the booking.
We recommend taking out travel cancellation insurance, which almost every major insurer offers for a small fee.
§7 Partial Cancellation of a Booking for a Stay Already Started
In the case of a stay started by check-in, the guest cannot receive a refund for unused nights in the event of early departure.
§8 Cancellation by the Hostel
If a reasonable advance payment or security requested by the Hostel is not provided within the agreed period or within a reasonable period, the Hostel is entitled to cancel the contract.
Furthermore, the hostel is entitled to withdraw from the contract for important reasons, for example, if force majeure or other circumstances beyond the hostel’s control make the fulfillment of the contract unreasonable, if rooms are booked with false information about the guest or without the hostel’s consent for other than accommodation purposes.
§9 Technical Equipment and Connections
If the Hostel procures technical and other equipment from third parties for the Guest at the Guest’s instigation, it acts on behalf of and for the account of the Guest. The Guest is liable for the careful handling and proper return of the equipment. The Guest shall indemnify the Hostel against all claims of third parties arising from the provision of such equipment.
The use of the guest’s own electrical equipment using the hostel’s power supply system requires the hostel’s verbal consent. Any malfunctions or damage to the technical equipment of the Hostel caused by the use of such equipment shall be borne by the Guest, insofar as the Hostel is not responsible for such malfunctions or damage. The Hostel may record and charge the electricity costs incurred by the use of such equipment as a lump sum.
The guest is only entitled to use his or her own telephone, fax and data transmission equipment with the consent of the hotel. The hotel may charge a connection fee for this.
§10 Loss of or Damage to Items Brought to the Hostel; Liability of the Hostel
Personal and other items brought to the hostel are at the risk of the guest. The hostel does not assume any duty of guarding or safekeeping. The hostel accepts no liability for loss, destruction or damage except in cases of gross negligence or intent on the part of the hostel. The guest is responsible for insuring the items he/she brings with him/her. This regulation also applies to motor vehicles and their contents, which may be parked in the hostel parking lot.
The hostel is only liable for the delivery and storage of messages, mail and merchandise shipments for the guests in case of intent and gross negligence.
Otherwise, the hostel is liable – except in cases of intent and gross negligence – only in case of violation of essential contractual obligations and limited to the respective coverage amount of the business liability insurance.
§11 Duty to cooperate
The guest is obligated to inform the staff of the hostel immediately of any complaints. They are instructed to take remedial action if this is possible. If the guest culpably fails to report a defect, a claim for reduction shall not arise.
§12 Final clause
The invalidity of individual provisions does not result in the invalidity of the entire contract.